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4th of July @ Fountain Lakes - 2016 

The FLRA Board of Directors and all the Fountain Lake residents were thrilled with the 4th of July spectacular - organized by Jaimee Chumley!  Jaimee created a fantastic 4 day affair that blew our firecrackers sky-high!  Thanks to everyone who participated - it was a great event for Fountain Lake!



Boat Decorating - Halloron's (Unit #117)


Porch Decorating - Walicki's (Unit #113)


Sad Sailor- Rao's (Unit #106)


Fishing Tournament -  Largest Quantity (19 fish) - Cade Doebbler (Unit #108)


Fishing Tournament -  Largest Fish (3.5 lb - catfish) - Cade Doebbler (Unit #108)

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