Spring Work Day - 15-June-2024
SPRING WORK DAY will be Saturday, 15-June from 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM! This is a great time to meet your neighbors and turn Fountain Lake into a more safe and beautiful home for us all! This year we have selected some ambitious and worthwhile projects:
***Fountain Lake Annual Spring Work Day***
***Saturday, 15-June-2024 @ 8:30AM***
Please meet at the Upper Pool and enjoy a donut or two and some juice and coffee and meet your neighbors at 8:30. Afterwards we will share a community lunch!
If you want to volunteer for the workday, please send an email to or RSVP online. Even if you don't sign-up early, just come to the Upper Pool at 8:30 and we’ll put you to work.
RSVP ONLINE: RSVP directly on the Spring Work Day web page. Just press the GREEN button below to RSVP.
Spring Work Day is open to everyone of all ages and for both the renters and homeowners. This event helps us build our sense of community that has been a part of Fountain Lake over the decades.
How can you participate in Spring Work Day?
The Architecture Committee and the FLRA board are coordinating the day. Please RSVP to that you are coming and what project you plan to help with OR you can RSVP ABOVE.
You can choose for the following list of projects: (note list is subject to change):
1. Replace dock boards; install life rings and dock signage
2. Clean the bubble security lights
3. Remove fallen tree from creek (adjacent property)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Certain projects require lifting and hauling; be sure you are physically capable to volunteer for these projects. Also bring work gloves.
What? You will be out of Town?
If you can’t be at Spring Work Day in person, you can make a donation to FLRA to help cover the expenses. Send a check clearly marked Spring Work Day to:
200 Fountain Lake #105
Livingston, TX 77351